9mobile BlazeOn Unlimited Time-base Data Plan A Scam? See Users Opinion - Techpill - Tech Tips, News And More


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Thursday, 27 July 2017

9mobile BlazeOn Unlimited Time-base Data Plan A Scam? See Users Opinion

Etisalat now rebranded as 9mobile has just introduced a time-base unlimited data plans called BlazeOn; but is the plan really unlimited? well, in this post we shall unravel this with unbiased opinions of people who have subscribed 9mobile time data plan. For those who don't know what this service is about, BlazeOn is a new 9mobile data service in which you get data in minutes; you can buy time based plans just when you need it. 10mins, 15mins, 30mins & 1 hour.

9mobile is not the first to launch this service, other telecommunication companies has launched the same service in the past, and most of service couldn't stand the test of time because most of them increased the price and the plan died a natural death.  But now 9mobile BlazeOn unlimited time data plan is here, would they stand or crumble just as the others? that will be a story for another day.

9mobile Unlimited Data Plan

9mobile BlazeOn Unlimited Time-base Data Plan A Scam?

Following the introduction of 9mobile alot of folks who are big fans of former Etisalat was excited about it. And different news has been making rounds on the internet about this new re-brands. Let leave that, first let talk about the main topic. "Is 9mobile blazeOn unlimited time-base data plan a scam?"or we should call it 9mobile unlimited time-base data plan capped.

Yesterday i subscribed 9mobile BlazeOn time data plan, and my experince about the service was not something to write home about. It was a bad and frustrating one i must admit. The so-called 9mobile unlimited time data plan is NOT unlimited after-all. It's actually capped, so when you exhuast the data even before the given time you subscribed, your plan will automatically expire, hence disconnecting you from the internet.

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I thought it was just my line, but alot of 9mobile users has been complaining of this too, most called the 9mobile unlimited time-base data plan a scam. here are some of the complaints:

9mobile BlazeOn Unlimited Time-base Data Plan A Scam?

So would you say 9mobile unlimited data plan is a scam? despite the fact that most people thinks this plan is unlimited. well, it obvious that this particular 9mobile BlazeOn data service is capped therefor it is not unlimited. With N200, you get a 1.5 GB data.

9mobile BlazeOn Unlimited Time base Data Plan

How To Subscribe 9mobile Time Data Plan

Having said that, the 9mobile BlazeOn data plan which is based on time, is not unlimited. It's for for lite data user. So if you are a heavy data user the 9mobile time data plan is not for you. In the 9mobile official site for data, there are several other 9mobile data plans you can choose from. But if you're still interest in how to subscribe 9mobile time data plan below step will help you:

  • text “blazeon” to 229 
  • or just download & install the blaze on appstore or direct.

Have you subscribed 9mobile data plan recently? what is your opinion and how would you rate 9mobile data service? use the comment box below.

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