Check Out How Much It Costs Apple To Make An Iphone 7 (32GB Variant) - Techpill - Tech Tips, News And More


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Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Check Out How Much It Costs Apple To Make An Iphone 7 (32GB Variant)

Despite the removal of the ear phone jack, iPhone 7 is said to cost more to build, according to IHS. iPhone 7 component costs are estimated to start at $219.80, the display cost about $43, while other baseband chips and intel modem are estimated to worth the total of $33.90.

iphone 7 cost

The most expensive of all is the Apple's new quad-core A10 Fusion chip which costs about $26.90. and yes, the larger 1,920mAh battery cost just $2.50. Though base on overall cost of making this new iPhone 7 other expenses which includes the development, research or marketing costs are excluded . see more here

So for every unit of the 32GB iPhone 7 purchased, Apple tend to make a profits of $424 on each unit.

1 comment:

  1. Wow.... $424 profit? That a profit of more that N120,000 going with the exchange of Naira to dollar. Anyway, this one also have a gate.


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