Facebook Threatens To Delete Your Synced Photos If You Refuse To Download Its New Photo App - Techpill - Tech Tips, News And More


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Sunday, 12 June 2016

Facebook Threatens To Delete Your Synced Photos If You Refuse To Download Its New Photo App

Facebook seems to discover different means to get people to download it own apps, Last week Facebook forced its users to download Facebook Messenger if they most chat. Now the company is convincing it users to download "Moments- Facebook new photo sharing apps.

facebook moments

The noticed has to do with photo sharing syncing features that was recently removed from Facebook main mobile app. In 2012, the core Facebook app was automatically able to upload photo from phone's local camera roll to a private album on Facebook. Though they were kept there for storage which will make it easier to share publicly on Facebook.

Now this synchronizing tools has been moved from core Facebook app into a photo sharing app called "Moments". 

Facebook has threaten to delete thousands of photo if users refuse to download the moments app and also give an option for all Facebook user to download a zip format of all their photos if they don't want to move over to Moments app before July 7th this year.

I think this move is rather not the kindest of tactics to delete photos when Facebook definitely has the capability and the resources to store them.

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