Oracle Claims Google Stole 11,500 Lines Of Code To Build Android OS - Techpill - Tech Tips, News And More


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Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Oracle Claims Google Stole 11,500 Lines Of Code To Build Android OS

Oracle is accusing google of using its line of code to build android OS, though Google and Oracle has been battling in court for some time now, started since 2012 and now the case is getting even more complicated.

Google vs android in court

Google uses Java API to build the android OS, what that mean, but oracle says this infringes on its copyright. Oracle lawyer Peter Bicks earlier today in court said:
You don’t take people’s property without permission and use it for your own benefit. Google took a shortcut, and they took a shortcut at Oracle’s expense.
Though Java was developed by Sun Microsystems in 1991 which was later acquired by Oracle in  2010. In 2012 a presiding judge ruled that Java API could not be copyrighted as claim by oracle and later in 2014 the district court ruling was reversed by federal circuit, Now Oracle seek $8.8 billion for damages.

According to oracle lawyer, Google stole 11,500 lines of code to build the android OS without permission or sort of partnership, below is the exacts words:

They copied 11,500 lines of code. It’s undisputed. They took the code, they copied it, and put it right into Android.
Google intentionally ignored the option to get licence from Oracle to use Java API, when a mail was sent to Google by engineer Tim Lindholm of Oracle to Android chief Andy Rubin showing what Google should have done before now. below his what contains in the email:
What we’ve actually been asked to do (by Larry and Sergei) is to investigate what technical alternatives exist to Java for Android and Chrome. We’ve been over a bunch of these and think they all suck. We conclude that we need to negotiate a license for Java.
Though Google Java programming language and API since 2008 to 2015 has made $42 billion in gross revenue. Whether Oracle will be in favor of this lawsuit or not, its something to watch out for despite the fact that the allegations levy against Google is really huge.

Via Arstechnica,

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