Start Your Own Smartphone Company With Just $1,000 (N200,000) With No Experience - Techpill - Tech Tips, News And More


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Thursday, 10 March 2016

Start Your Own Smartphone Company With Just $1,000 (N200,000) With No Experience

Do you want to compete with Top smartphone manufacturer? do you have what it takes to win on the global market? This is an opportunity for you to to own a smartphone company; and compete with Samsung, LG, HTC, Apple etc.

Sometime last year, Zuoer announce this offer, but of recent they re-introduce this offer for those who really have the desire to become a smartphone manufacturer

start your own smartphone company

According to BloomBerg: A small suite in Shenzhen, southeastern China, Cathy Chang is helping clients from around the world create their own smartphone brand. Choosing from a menu of options akin to ordering a pizza, Shenzhen Zuoer Technology Co.’s customers can get into the handset business for as little as $1,000. No experience needed.

The top Chinese smartphone makers you know all pass through this root, before they were able to stand alone as a company. Zuoer been among little known-chinese companies who tapped in this high component to build a smartphones of $20 per pieces

If you order a minimum of 50 unit, Zuoer will assemble it own outer plastic shell coupled with other manufacturer LCD screen, Batteries and circuit Boards helping anybody in the world to produce an amazing smartphones. And also take on Samsung in the $410 billion global mobile phone market in less than six weeks.
The emergence of low-end phone vendors is chipping away at Samsung’s share,” said John Butler, who tracks the smartphone market for Bloomberg Intelligence. “These new entrants are quite small in comparison to a giant like Samsung, but their collective impact is weighing on Samsung’s results and those of other major vendors.

 Cool! isn't, What your take on this? would you want to try this? use the comment Box Below.

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1 comment:

  1. Where can I contact for starting mobile manufacturing company


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