Samsung CEOs Get A Slash Salary Reduction Due To Low Sales - Techpill - Tech Tips, News And More


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Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Samsung CEOs Get A Slash Salary Reduction Due To Low Sales

Samsung low sales performance has really been a big lost to the CEOS to the extend it's now cost them their salary reduction. This is according to the report by Korean Herald; in the report all the three co-CEOs has seen a drop in their annual salary.

Samsung low sales

Below is the information the Samsung filling showcases.

  • CEO Kwon Oh-Hyun received 3.82 billion won (about $3.25 million USD), compared to 6.25 billion won in 2014.
  • CEO Yoo Boo-Keun received 2.34 billion won, compared to 3.61 won in 2014.
  • CEO Shin Jong-Kyun received 2.28 billion won, compared to 12.03 billion won in 2014.
This is cool if all CEOs could probably think like this in any case. According to Andriod Authority thier main salary where not affected only their bonus. And this also mean if the CEOS is getting salary reduction definitely the employees will also experience the same.

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