Facebook safety Check: All You ought To Know And How To Use It - Techpill - Tech Tips, News And More


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Thursday, 26 November 2015

Facebook safety Check: All You ought To Know And How To Use It

Facebook safe check was introduced some few days ago, this check allow you to know if your friends and family are alright in case there is a disaster challenge or an area where an accident occur just to know they are alright.

How to use facebook safety check

But some folks just don't know how to utilize this safety check, so below is a quick guide on how to use Facebook safety check.

  1. If it looks like you may be near a natural disaster, Facebook will ask whether you are safe.
  2. Respond to the prompt to indicate that you are fine by clicking the “I’m Safe” button. If you are not in the disaster area, you will be able to click another button to indicate this.
  3. Once you do that, your Facebook friends will be notified that you are safe.
  4. Facebook users will be able to check a list of friends who may be affected by the disaster.
That's all there is to Facebook safety check. Be safe!

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