Do You Work In BBC or BOE? Be Prepared To Be Replace By Robot - Techpill - Tech Tips, News And More


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Saturday, 14 November 2015

Do You Work In BBC or BOE? Be Prepared To Be Replace By Robot

We all know how Robot has been taking a leap on human activities by doing most what human can do, now some powerful company are taking advantage of this robots Era.

BBC robots for human
Image source: guff

As at 2005 robot sales drop from $182,000 to $133,000 last year and might drop to $103,000 by 2025. You can see the rate at which the price drop. We a record high purchase I think the world is consciously embracing it's new phase.

So, one might totally believe the reports by BBC and Bank Of England – According to Andy Haldane, the chief economist of the Bank of England, 15 million jobs could be replaced by Robots in the UK and 80 million in the US. He showed this in a set of charts about robot workers – thanks to Business Insider for annotating it accordingly.

The claim was also backup by halden with an algorithm used by BBC – You can check it out here. According to him:

For an accountant, the probability of vocational extinction is a whopping 95%. For a hairdresser, it is 33%. On these numbers, the accountant’s sun has truly set, but the relentless upwards ascent of the hairdresser is set to continue. For economists, like me, the magic number is 15%. At first I found that number disconcertingly high. But in fact it puts me in the lower third of “prone” professions
Here is a BBC break down of jobs that are like  to be replaced by robot.

And here is the department that stand at high risk of been replace by Robots 

Robots workers for bank of England

So will you agree with some folks that says robot is a thread to human?

Also Read:
Skype: Co-founders Releases Self-driving Robot Package Delivery
Robot Made Human: World's First Robot Take A Lead Role In A Movie

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