What Will You Do With Your Skills? A Report Predicts These Jobs May Dominate In 10 Years - Techpill - Tech Tips, News And More


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Friday, 12 August 2016

What Will You Do With Your Skills? A Report Predicts These Jobs May Dominate In 10 Years

Microsoft and Future consultant has predicted that visual communications, reality design and robotic engineering will be among the top jobs in the feature. One third of school students today will end up working on jobs which is yet to exist.

Future jobs
Future Jobs/ images: Future consultant

The Future laboratory, Steve Tooze has this to say:
“In the next decade, a technological revolution, essentially a second industrial revolution, will open up inspiring and exciting new career opportunities in sectors of the economy that are only in their infancy today.

If you still want to know what jobs what jobs that will dominate in the future below is some of the report by the Future Laboratory:

Virtual Habitat Designer: By 2025, virtual habitat design will offer some of the most exciting and creative career prospects in a global industry that will be producing millions of new jobs.

Ethical Technology Advocate: Regulation of self-driving cars, the use of artificial intelligence in warfare and even in insurance profiling will all require ethical guidance which would create a new field of expertise.

Digital Cultural Commentator: Based on the report, Digital Cultural Commentator will be the secret weapon that both brands and centres of high culture will use to cut through the cacophony of online white noise to talk effectively to tomorrow’s audience.

Freelance Biohacker: These people will play a key role in projects ranging from the search for the next generation of antibiotics to the creation of genetically modified creatures.

Internet of Things (IoT) Data Creative: IOT creative will sift through the waves of data being generated each day by devices in our clothes, our homes, our cars and our offices and find meaningful and useful ways to tell us what all that information is saying.

You can read the full pdf list online on the source link

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