Apple Wants Iphone Users To Become Organ Donors Through Health App - Techpill - Tech Tips, News And More


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Wednesday 6 July 2016

Apple Wants Iphone Users To Become Organ Donors Through Health App

Apple issued a release this morning that the new IOS 10 will be integrated with an App to bring organ donations to it operating system.

Apple health organ donor

The company will be teaming with Donate Life America to bring this feature to IOS 10. The Apple IOS 10 will roll out this year with an option that will make it possible for users to become organ, Eyes and tissues donor with just "few taps". Once you register with the Health app you will be added to National Donate Life Registry. interested member will also get to see additional information withing the app.

“With the updated Health app, we’re providing education and awareness about organ donation and making it easier than ever to register,” Apple’s COO Jeff Williams said in the release. “It’s a simple process that takes just a few seconds and could help save up to eight lives.”
Having said that, the company also noted that there are some 120,000 Americans who are currently in queue for a transplant that could save their life, with new person added every ten minutes.

According to source, the health app will also be available for Africa to donate organs, eyes and tissues, kidney etc. will you donate your eyes and tissues just to save a soul? 

Source: Apple

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