Viking Holde Malware Now Uses Google Playstore To Infect Android Devices - Techpill - Tech Tips, News And More


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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Viking Holde Malware Now Uses Google Playstore To Infect Android Devices

Viking Holde malware is around in Google playstore, Android owners need to be careful of the kind of app they download on playstore. Viking Holde malware turns your phone and tablets into a large part of Botnets and it coming to from number of apps available on Google playstore.

Viking malware

According to check point researchers, Viking Holde malware target android device, which is design for ads fraud, this malware uses proxied IP address to disguise the ads clicks. The malware create a botnets using these IP address, which could be used for DDoS attacks and more.

According to the findings, Vikings holde affect both rooted and unrooted android devices alike, thought the rooted device stand a high risks because vikings malware uses the root privileges to make it difficult, if not impossible to manually remove the malware.

Viking Holde malware on google playstore, viking jump

Vikings malware is hiding in apps, of recent one game, viking jump was on the app store since April 15th to be precise, and it has been downloaded 100,000 times and was listed as Google play Top free app. Other apps include Parrot Copter, WiFi Plus, Memory Booster, and Simple 2048. Though all these apps has been removed from Google play store as i write this.

For full details on how Vikings malware affects your android phone, check the full post on ChekPoint, but its quite unfortunate that they don't have a any good tips on how to remove the malware but i think the best way is for you to restore your phone from recent backup or you wipe it completely if you are already infected.


  1. Please help me I try to download (2016) only thing that come up is error 404 not found I have tried with different browser still the same result

    1. This is a wrong thread for your comment efosa, but if i get you correctly is it the pes 2016 you want to download? kindly go to the thread and make a comment i will respond. Thanks for dropping by


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